evoLutionary Gravity
During the last few years we
experienced an unprecedent and
obvious growing pressure on our
rights and freedoms, challenging
very foundations of Human Life and
asking for deeper inquiry about
root causes and perspectives of
the changes we witness today.
And there are good chances we
have approached a threshold of
evoLutionary sprouting into the
next stage and moving together
into completely new Quality of
private and collective Human Life
we are here to discover and create
through inspiring shared action.

System of Interpreting Life
Essential human learning and
growth happens through inquiry
and explicit understanding of One’s
Life, encompassing perception of
the outer World, of One’s inner self
and One’s role in the outer World
at the particular stage of growth.
The most universal framework
of understanding Life for human
beings is Story that connects past,
present and future into consistent
Whole providing meaning, direction
and inspiration for creative action
on a personal and collective level.

evoLutionary Story
Currently prevailing evoLutionary
narratives are rooted in darWINian
Story of competition which explains
successfully the present stage of our
Civilization development focused
mainly on expansive material growth
through fast technological progress.
Yet nowadays the darWINian Story
obviously falls short of illuminating
the meaningful and inspiring ways
forward into reasonably favorable and
desirable future of post-competitive
peaceful development for the vast
majority of Human beings on Earth.

sophisticated battleField
Current stage of Civilization
can be seen as dated darWINian
global Monopoly game in it’s late
phases of development when the
competition gets harder and the
wealth/power is accumulated in
the hands of the mightiest few.
Most of socio-economic systems
and institutions are designed for
competition and rewarding only
“winners” which eventually leads
into situation where the growing
power of successful ones limits
growth possibilities for others.

emerging new Chapter
Moving into the next chapter
of evoLutionary Human Journey
entails dissolving of the habitual
competitive stories, scripts & roles
rooted in fear and based on the
aged beliefs of lack and scarcity.
Such transition also asks for the
new post-darWINian Story of the
whole World and Life to inspire,
drive and guide our shared action
in redesigning and rebuilding of
all systems and institutions for
the next Quality of Human Life.

beyond racing into Bigger
Dissolving of competitive stories,
scripts and roles on the personal
level happens through the natural
human growth process that can be
facilitated by providing favourable
environment and time for such
kind of evoLutionary transition.
Personal growth out of the aged
darWINian roles brings forth totally
new kind of prevailing inner drives
in Human being that provide solid
foundation for the shift into next
quality of social relationships and
joint creative-productive activity.

into innate Giver
We arrive into this World as
Acorns being pushed and rolled
early into the stories, scripts and
initial roles to experience, learn,
master and to reCognize our play
on the spacious board of global
darWINian Monopoly game.
At some stage of our personal
Journey we start looking for the
favourable soil to sprout out and
to grow into our next evoLutionary
nature, into human Giver role to
spread innate growth possibilities
for many other Human beings.

a space for Sprouting
Most likely the Community will
return as universal form of peaceful
space for relaxed growth into our
evoLutionary potential, which will be
hardly supported by the current set
of public and private institutions
holding major wealth and power.
Cooperative network of resilient
local communities is seemingly
a new distributed global structure
to help regain the Peace and the
Power that was gradually taken
away from the general public in
the course of competitive growth.

around every one’s Home
We are invited and challenged
to build a new post-competitive
de-centralized oikonomy rooted in
cooperation and giving to preserve
dignity of shared Human Life and
sustain long-term resilience that is
innate trait of distributed systems
observed in natural, human and
even technical environments.
This calls us to experiment, test,
implement and spread the viable
new solutions for the oikonomy of
single community and for the joint
inter-communal ventures providing
every One with abundant cognitive
and creative Life opportunities.
[ “oikos” in greek means Home ]

into next Human OS
Profound changes in the World
are inviting us to explore and to
embrace a bigger Story that gives
clear consistent understanding of
of our past and our present while
providing a reasonable hope and
trust into coming nearest future.
Emerging deeper evoLutionary
Story of our Civilization also acts
as the new “upgraded” version of
Human OS (Operating System) that
helps navigate and then materialize
the inner transition by empowering
every One to redesign and rebuild
our shared living environment for
the next Quality of Human Life.

holding next big Whole
There is an emerging framework
of structured knowledge that gives
new base for wholistic perception
of darWINian and post-darWINian
evoLutionary development on many
levels of Human Life’s complexity:
Person, Family, Community,
Organization, Nation, State, etc.
The framework explains with
clarity and simplicity the direct
relationships between our personal
and collective Human development,
between “inner” and “outer” Worlds
providing solid base and purpose for
long-term Human value oriented
systemic ceative-productive action.

to evoLutionary adVenture
Every human One here is on the
same shared evoLutionary Journey
with One’s unique Role to play and
One’s perfect time to proceed with
the conscious evoLutionary action ..
.. for the early Movers
the perfect Time is
“To change something,
build the New model that makes
the existing model obsolete.”
[ R. Buckminster Fuller ]
“Never doubt that a small group
of thoughtful, committed citizens
can change the World. Indeed, it
is the only thing that ever has.”
[ Margaret Mead ]

navigate build Host
Curious Navigators, skillful
Architects, brave Entrepreneurs,
powerful Builders and dedicated
Hosts come together to combine
their inner movements hinting at
the shared new Story asking to
be birthed into the outer World.
They meet to explore together
the inner and the outer new lands
devoting their joint creative Action
to build the peaceful evoLutionary
transition spaces (Villages) for
Human growth and spreading the
next Quality of our shared Life.
.. Human Acorn ..
.. Village Story ..
.. Forest playGround..
.. Sprouting Glory ..

into evoLutionary Action
A Walk can start with intention
to arrive into slow and relaxed
conversation about evoLutionary
Human Story that helps reCognize,
co-eXplore and map the inspiring
possibilities for venturing into
joint creative-productive action.
Conversation is supported by
the play of “Magelandia” in the
form of spacious floor-game:

let’s roll into World for all
With evoLutionary Story telling
am reaching out to Human Curiosity
( beyond how to win )
to explore together the New Lands
( within and out there )
for accessing the new layers of
Human Creativity
( beyond better-cheaper-more )
and developing the next level of
Human Mastery ..
( beyond faster-higher-stronger )
.. to take care together the World
grows into a way better place
for our Children and many
Generations to come.
Let’s connect for a slow
walk into relaxed talk
when timing is ripe ..